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Meeting Minutes- August 2011

Minutes from Bronx Zoo AAZK Chapter
20 August 2011

1)     We began meeting with an update on Bowling for Rhinos planned for 3 October 2011 beginning at 6 p.m. at 300 New York.
A.      Pricing
                                                               i.      Members will be charged $25 or $26 through paypal
                                                             ii.      Non-members will be charged $30 in advance or $31 through paypal; $35 at the door
                                                           iii.      Entrance fee includes:
1.       Bowling from 7-9:30
2.       A $5 arcade game card
3.       Two beers or sodas
4.       Pizza
5.       Shoe
B.      Parking has generally been available on the street, the subway is close
C.       Volunteers were signed up to man ticket sales tables in the staff dining room
D.      Bowling for Rhinos committee is looking for pictures of zookeepers for a slideshow
E.      We discussed donations for merchandise/pursuing company sponsors
F.       Sheets will be handed out for individuals to raise further donations
G.      Bowling for rhinos requested up to $150 from chapter budget; these funds will include the purchase of a banner to use at ticket sale table and will be BZAAK generic for reuse
                                                               i.      Members approved the funds
2)     We discussed the Officer position of Secretary
3)     We discussed the two proposed amendments the to Bronx Zoo AAZK chapter constitution; amendments will be voted on at the next meeting
A.      When there is a tie in a decision made by ballet, the tie-breaking decisions will be made by the current officers
B.      If an officer resigns from their position during their term, they are not to run in the mid-term election for the position they resigned from.  They will be able to run for other positions mid-term or for officer positions during the yearly elections
4)     National Keeper Week received lots of positive feedback
A.      Event night went well
                                                               i.      The chapter raised about $600
B.      Ideas for next time:
                                                               i.      The poo was unmanageable in a bag; a plate, perhaps?
                                                             ii.      Hold the silent auction throughout the week in the staff dining room
                                                           iii.      Have categories to nominate keepers for recognition
                                                           iv.      Hold the event earlier in the summer and in a better location
C.       We hope to organize a holiday event/party
5)     We discussed Turtle Survival Alliance 9th Annual symposium
A.      TSA received several thousands of dollars from AAZK this year!
B.      This led to the suggestion of fundraising for one year for an organization
                                                               i.      We could place this information on our Facebook page to promote awareness
                                                             ii.      Members would present possible organizations to the group and the group would vote for the winner
1.       Further discussion needed for how to narrow the field, how presentations would work, etc…
6)     We discussed the calendar
A.      The calendar is ready to print and we hope to have it ready to sell with Bowling for Rhino tickets
B.      It will be shortened to a 12 month calendar
C.       We need to confirm sponsorship for the calendar
D.      We discussed how many we will need to order; discussed a preorder
E.      There are various options for the printer
7)     General
A.      We discussed voting online or by proxy for members who can’t attend meetings where a vote by ballot will occur
B.      We discussed skyping with city zoos to allow voting by AAZK members there
C.       We discussed integrating the Ornithology department
D.      We discussed some preliminaries for the next enrichment bonanza
                                                               i.      We discussed organizing stations for specific projects