Questions? Email us at or contact an officer or facility liaison.

Meeting Minutes- December 2012

DECEMBER 20, 2012

In Attendance:
Sara Koplish, Mike Wrubel, Lacy Clifford, Lisa Walker, Sara Parker, Melanie Weber, Katelyn Keyes, Cindy Maur

-A quorum was reached for the online voting for the officer positions and all candidates were voted into their positions; however Megan Baumer will no longer be working at WCS come the new year, so there is currently an open secretary position.
-If anyone is interested in filling the vacant secretary position please contact a current officer immediately. If one person steps forward, then they will fill the position; however if more than one person steps forward, then membership will vote online to choose the next secretary.
-Sara Parker is interested in filling the position.
Silent Auction
-Silent Auction was a success. Thank you to everyone who donated, participated and helped facilitate it.
Upcoming Events
-Party- Considering how busy this season is, we opted to turn our chapter's holiday party into a new year party. It should be happening in January. Stay tuned!
-Panel Discussion- The panel discussion will take place in February.
Treasury Update
-Amy and Sara have been working together to make the transition for the treasurer position smooth for the coming year.
-We currently have over $3000 in our bank account.
-Please renew your membership or become a new member asap!
-Chapter membership is now $15 per year and National AAZK dues are $45 per year.
-Benefits for becoming a member include discounts on events and merchandise or free events, voting on issues that affect the chapter, eligibility to apply for our bi-annual travel grant, and a warm fuzzy feeling!
-We are looking for people to renew and become members asap also so that we can represent our diverse members when we vote for a name change in efforts to further incorporate all of the WCS facilities.
Committee Openings
-We are looking to fill some vacant spots in our committees. If you are interested in any of the following committees, please contact your chapter officers.
-Bowling for Rhinos
-National Zoo Keeper Week
-Travel Grant
-Girl Scouts
-We were able to purchase calendars for a highly discounted price which means less money that the chapter has to front for the calendars and we will receive more profits from the calendars!
-Calendars are currently available! Please contact your officers or facility representative for your 2013 calendar.
-Prices are $15 for non-members, $12 for members, $10 for people who donated a picture that was used in the calendar. Discount prices are limited to 1 per person.
-Katelyn made us aware of another website where we can get a better price for the calendars in the future.
Enrichment Contest
-We went over details listed in the flyers that were handed out and encouraged people to participate especially for the prizes which are $300, $200, or $100 to spend.
-The deadline to apply is Dec 21st.
Enrichment Bonanza
-We made great enrichment for our animals!!